The SHS Introduction to Business and Multimedia classes will be teaming up this year to create a Salisbury Panther Apparel store. The classes will get hands-on experience in operating a business, including real insight on customer profiles, business costs, markup, net profit and sales. Students will also plan marketing and advertising initiatives, as well as experience in industry standard software to design the shirts. The plan is to offer generic Panther apparel, as well as custom options for sports and events throughout the school year. We will also take requests! Have a Panther design you would like us to create, feel free to contact Mrs. Gladbach and we will connect you with a student designer.
We are kicking off our school store with a pre-sale! Please click on the following link to take you to our online order form. Please mail in your payment or bring it in to the high school office.
Cash or Check accepted. Please make checks payable to Salisbury High School. Memo: apparel order