Tutor.com Now Available for Area Students
Moberly, MO, December 13, 2021 /— Tutor.com, one of the world's largest online tutoring services, announced the students within Randolph, Monroe, Chariton, and Macon Counties have access to Tutor.com and will be provided online tutoring services for the 42,000 patrons within the service area.
Students can access this service by going to www.ldrl.org/tutor
Through the partnership, students enrolled in schools within Randolph, Monroe, Chariton, and Macon Counties and patrons living within these boundaries can access on-demand, 1-to-1 learning support from Tutor.com's expert tutors from 2pm-12am. The service provides homework help across more than 200 subjects, including bilingual Spanish tutoring in math, science, social studies, and study skills. Students enrolled in the district’s robust set of Advanced Placement® courses can connect with a tutor for individualized help with their AP® studies.
Through Tutor.com, learners can also utilize drop-off writing review and an array of test prep resources from The Princeton Review®. The goal is to ensure that students get crucial learning support anytime, anywhere, and on any device.
Live tutoring is available for all ages, including Kindergarten through Graduate level classes. All subjects are included and help can be accessed 10 hours a day, seven days a week.
Tutor.com's more than 3,000 tutors provide encouraging, empowering online tutoring to communities of learners through the company's partnerships with hundreds of K–12 school districts as well as institutions of higher education. The company also serves learners through its partnerships with state and local libraries, corporate employee benefits programs, nonprofit organizations, and the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance.
“We are thrilled to be able to offer this service to the patrons within these counties,” shared Little Dixie Regional Libraries Director, Rachael Grime. “Working in partnership with the Monroe City Library, Macon Library, and Salisbury Library, we are able to extend our boundaries and allow students free access to this amazing service.”
Kelly Garnett, IT Director for LDRL, said, “Students of all ages are able to access tutoring on demand to help them with homework, get feedback on their writing, and practice their resume and job building skills. We are thrilled to offer this resource to our patrons so they can feel more prepared to engage with the world.”
Any patron within the service area can access this free resource at www.ldrl.org/tutor Access to the service is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act as administered by the Missouri State Library, a division of the Office of the Secretary of State.
About Tutor.com
Since its incorporation in 2000, Tutor.com has delivered more than 20 million one-to-one online tutoring and homework help sessions to students. The company's more than 3,000 vetted and qualified tutors provide learning assistance that is available 24/7 in a wide variety of subjects. The company's mission is to help all learners first realize and then reach their full potential through personalized, one-to-one instruction and guidance. Tutor.com powers tutoring and homework help programs for the U.S. Department of Defense Coast Guard Mutual Assistance Program, colleges and universities, K–12 school districts, state and local libraries.