Tomorrow is First Friday CHARACTER DAY - Don't forget to wear your Shine shirts!
Reminder: tonights bball games at Glasgow will start with VG at 6:00 followed by VB
Tonight's JV BB Games vs Sturgeon have been rescheduled to Feb 12 @ 6:00 pm.
Schedule change: The HS basketball games at Glasow on Feb 1 will be VG, VB starting at 6:00.
Congratulations to all Salisbury R-IV Geography Bee finalists & a huge shout out to our champion, Kate Kottman.
The JV games vs Paris begin this morning at 10:00 am.
Courtwarming Friday night vs Cairo will start with JVG at 5:00. Music Booster's Chili supper starts serving at 5:00.
Tonight’s HSBB games vs New Franklin will be played starting with VG at 6:00
School Cancellation. There will be No School at Salisbury R-4 on Tuesday, January 16th due to inclement weather.
In the event of a weather-related school cancellation, information will be updated in the Live Feed section, on Facebook and on Twitter using the school website at . The school district may also send a text message, automated voice call and a push notification with the information. The messages and voice notifications are sent from information in our student information system. Please notify your students school any time your contact information needs updated. Text messages will come from a 5 digit number (989-01). You can create a New Contact number in your phone and name it something like “Salisbury R-IV Message Alert”. Voice notifications or voice calls will show up on caller ID from (660-388-6699), which is the Salisbury R-IV Central Office phone number. If you would like to receive a push notification, please download the mobile app from Apple or Android on your device, select settings and turn on notifications. Along with notifications thru the school website, several radio and TV stations will be notified immediately. When school is cancelled or there are changes to the regular school day, the media will be contacted by 6:30 AM, or as soon as a decision has been made.
Tonights JV games will start at 6:00 pm with JVG, then JVB.
Schedule Change: Tuesday's basketball games vs New Franklin will be VG,VB only starting at 6:00.
Tonight’s JV games vs Glasgow have been cancelled for tonight.
Early Dismissal Today-Salisbury R-IV will be dismissing school at 12:36 pm on Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018.
Soup & Chili Supper
The brackets for the upcoming Sturgeon HS Basketball Tournament can be found in news section of the school website.
Courtwarming will be Friday, Jan 19 starting at 5:00 pm with JVG, VG,VB. Coronation will be in between the VG & VB games.
The JV Basketball Classic will not be played this year, however we will play Higbee on 1/15,@ 6:00 pm & Paris on 1/20@ 10:00 am.
Tonight's JV Games vs Paris have been cancelled. We will make up the games on Sat Jan 20 at 10:00 am.
School Cancellation. There will be No School at Salisbury R-4 on Monday, January 8th due to inclement weather.