Report cards for 7th-12th grades are being sent home with students today.

Students interested in being on the quiz bowl team, please see Mrs. Hartmann. First practices are next week Mon. after school and Wed. at 7:30 a.m.

SALISBURY schools have a regular start time today. KRESS radio station received inaccurate info. from an unconfirmed report.

The JV games scheduled for January 2, 2018 versus Westran have been cancelled.

SES celebrated Christmas with a festive lunch on Monday & a trip to the movies Tuesday. A big thanks to the cooks, PTO and B&B theater.

School will be dismissed at 12:36 p.m. today. Merry Christmas, Panthers!

1st Round Madison Tournament games will be played Dec 20 & 21. Schedule can be found on the school website.

Reminder NHS will hold a chili and soup supper tonight at 5:30 in the lobby before the HS Varsity games vs North Shelby.

JH STUCO and FFA join forces to fight hunger with 557 cans of food donated to local charities

Gingerbread House Fun in FACS

The Salisbury Chapter of the National Honor Society will hold a soup and chili supper Monday, December 18th in the lobby of the dome. Serving begins at 5:30 with soup, chili, and dessert. Free will donation.

The Salisbury Chapter of the National Honor Society will hold a soup and chili supper Monday, December 18th in the lobby of the dome. Serving begins at 5:30 with soup, chili, and dessert. Free will donation. Profits will fund chapter service project and chapter scholarships. There will also be a pie auction. The profits from the pie auction will benefit the Central Missouri Honor Flight.

Friday's HSBB Games at Fayette will be VG, VB starting at 6:00 pm.

FFA members that wear their FFA shirt will receive free admission to tonight's basketball game. Come help us support our Panthers!

Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball home opener is tonight at 6:00 pm vs Knox County. Come out and support our teams!!

Reminder tonight is 8th grade recognition night for the JH basketball season. Games will start in the south gym at 5:00.

Winter Formal is Saturday, December 16th from 8:30 to 11:00 PM in the lobby. Out of town sign up sheet is in the office.
The HS/JH concert is tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Lobby.

Salisbury and St. Joe faculty heard a great presentation by Dr. Todd Whitaker.

School will be dismissed at 12:36 p.m. today.

Due to a conflict the JV Games scheduled for Tues, Dec 5, vs Brookfield have been moved to Wed, Dec 6, at 6:00 pm at Salisbury.