Report cards for 7th-12th grades are being sent home with students today.
about 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
Students interested in being on the quiz bowl team, please see Mrs. Hartmann. First practices are next week Mon. after school and Wed. at 7:30 a.m.
about 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
SALISBURY schools have a regular start time today. KRESS radio station received inaccurate info. from an unconfirmed report.
about 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
The JV games scheduled for January 2, 2018 versus Westran have been cancelled.
about 7 years ago, Jason Haines
SES celebrated Christmas with a festive lunch on Monday & a trip to the movies Tuesday. A big thanks to the cooks, PTO and B&B theater.
about 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
School will be dismissed at 12:36 p.m. today. Merry Christmas, Panthers!
about 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
1st Round Madison Tournament games will be played Dec 20 & 21. Schedule can be found on the school website.
about 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Reminder NHS will hold a chili and soup supper tonight at 5:30 in the lobby before the HS Varsity games vs North Shelby.
about 7 years ago, Jason Haines
JH STUCO and FFA join forces to fight hunger with 557 cans of food donated to local charities
over 7 years ago, Justin Yates
FFA Officers
Gingerbread House Fun in FACS
over 7 years ago, Justin Yates
Foods II Class
Foods II Class
Foods II Class
Foods II Class
The Salisbury Chapter of the National Honor Society will hold a soup and chili supper Monday, December 18th in the lobby of the dome. Serving begins at 5:30 with soup, chili, and dessert. Free will donation.
over 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
The Salisbury Chapter of the National Honor Society will hold a soup and chili supper Monday, December 18th in the lobby of the dome. Serving begins at 5:30 with soup, chili, and dessert. Free will donation. Profits will fund chapter service project and chapter scholarships. There will also be a pie auction. The profits from the pie auction will benefit the Central Missouri Honor Flight.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Friday's HSBB Games at Fayette will be VG, VB starting at 6:00 pm.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
FFA members that wear their FFA shirt will receive free admission to tonight's basketball game. Come help us support our Panthers!
over 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
Girls and Boys Varsity Basketball home opener is tonight at 6:00 pm vs Knox County. Come out and support our teams!!
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Reminder tonight is 8th grade recognition night for the JH basketball season. Games will start in the south gym at 5:00.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Winter Formal is Saturday, December 16th from 8:30 to 11:00 PM in the lobby. Out of town sign up sheet is in the office. The HS/JH concert is tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Lobby.
over 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
Salisbury and St. Joe faculty heard a great presentation by Dr. Todd Whitaker.
over 7 years ago, Mitchell Green
Todd Whitaker
School will be dismissed at 12:36 p.m. today.
over 7 years ago, Kerri Morrison
Due to a conflict the JV Games scheduled for Tues, Dec 5, vs Brookfield have been moved to Wed, Dec 6, at 6:00 pm at Salisbury.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines