Congratulations Panthers on a 60-26 win at the Norm Stewart Classic and to Garrett Fessler for MVP

Congratulations Lady Panthers on thir victory in the Norm Stewart Classic and to Bryn Wooldridge for MVP

Congratulations to Briana Ponder for her selection as the SES Arbor Day Poster Contest Winner.

Elementary & JH students - don't forget to wear First Friday Character shirts tomorrow. Be ready to SHINE with Panther Pride!

Reminder: The HS Fall Sports Awards Program will be Wednesday, Nov 29, at 7:00 pm in the HS Lobby.

Calling all PTO Elves - We need your help Monday night (11/27) as we light the school for Christmas. We will start at 4:00 with a quick meeting to follow. Please feel free to share this invite & bring some fellow elves!

Due to a conflict the JV Games scheduled for Tues, Dec 5, vs Brookfield have been moved to Wed, Dec 6, at 6:00 pm at Salisbury.

Happy Thanksgiving from the first annual SES K-1 "First-giving"! We also want to give a BIG shout out to the cooks for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. We are so grateful!

Congratulations SES 4th - 6th grade MAP Achievers!

10th-11th Grade EOC testing proficient or advanced students.

7th-9th Grade MAP testing proficient or advanced students.

Our Veterans Day Assembly in action. Thank You Veterans!!

The MS Basketball Games at Cairo on Friday will start at 5:00 with 2 quarters of B Girls, 2 Quarters B Boys, then A Girls, A Boys.

The MS Basketball Games are Cairo on Friday will start at 5:00 with 2 quarters of B Girls, 2 Quarters B Boys, then A Girls, A Boys.

We are all set up for the SES BOOK FAIR Tuesday, November 7! Come check it out!

Good Luck Cross Country at State! We are so proud of you!! Thanks for autographing pictures at SES.

Seventeen members of the Salisbury FFA Chapter attended National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana October 24 - 28.

Check out the SES classroom pumpkin characters. They are ready for next week's BOOK FAIR!

Today the 2nd grade harvested their lettuce crop from the SES courtyard and then enjoyed a Salad Bar Party!

Today SES celebrated Red Ribbon Week with EXERCISE being a Key to a Drug Free life.