Congratulations Panthers on a 60-26 win at the Norm Stewart Classic and to Garrett Fessler for MVP
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Congratulations Lady Panthers on thir victory in the Norm Stewart Classic and to Bryn Wooldridge for MVP
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Congratulations to Briana Ponder for her selection as the SES Arbor Day Poster Contest Winner.
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Elementary & JH students - don't forget to wear First Friday Character shirts tomorrow. Be ready to SHINE with Panther Pride!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
First Friday Character Shirts
Reminder: The HS Fall Sports Awards Program will be Wednesday, Nov 29, at 7:00 pm in the HS Lobby.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Calling all PTO Elves - We need your help Monday night (11/27) as we light the school for Christmas. We will start at 4:00 with a quick meeting to follow. Please feel free to share this invite & bring some fellow elves!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
PTO Christmas Lighting
Due to a conflict the JV Games scheduled for Tues, Dec 5, vs Brookfield have been moved to Wed, Dec 6, at 6:00 pm at Salisbury.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
Happy Thanksgiving from the first annual SES K-1 "First-giving"! We also want to give a BIG shout out to the cooks for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. We are so grateful!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Pilgrim & Native American "First-giving"
Congratulations SES 4th - 6th grade MAP Achievers!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
10th-11th Grade EOC testing proficient or advanced students.
over 7 years ago, Mitchell Green
EOC Awards
EOC Awards
7th-9th Grade MAP testing proficient or advanced students.
over 7 years ago, Mitchell Green
MAP Awards
MAP Awards
MAP Awards
Our Veterans Day Assembly in action. Thank You Veterans!!
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
The MS Basketball Games at Cairo on Friday will start at 5:00 with 2 quarters of B Girls, 2 Quarters B Boys, then A Girls, A Boys.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
The MS Basketball Games are Cairo on Friday will start at 5:00 with 2 quarters of B Girls, 2 Quarters B Boys, then A Girls, A Boys.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
We are all set up for the SES BOOK FAIR Tuesday, November 7! Come check it out!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Good Luck Cross Country at State! We are so proud of you!! Thanks for autographing pictures at SES.
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Seventeen members of the Salisbury FFA Chapter attended National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana October 24 - 28.
over 7 years ago, Jason Haines
National Convention Photo
Check out the SES classroom pumpkin characters. They are ready for next week's BOOK FAIR!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Today the 2nd grade harvested their lettuce crop from the SES courtyard and then enjoyed a Salad Bar Party!
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt
Today SES celebrated Red Ribbon Week with EXERCISE being a Key to a Drug Free life.
over 7 years ago, Robin Gebhardt